
Homebrew formulas for cgminer and bfgminer

View the Project on GitHub nwoolls/homebrew-xgminer

This repository contains Homebrew formulas for two popular crypto-coin miners: cgminer and bfgminer.



  1. Launch Terminal.app from Spotlight or your Applications folder
  2. Install Homebrew by entering the following command:

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go/install)"
  3. Run the following command and fix any reported issues:

    brew doctor
  4. Tap this Homebrew repostory so that you can install packages from it:

    brew tap nwoolls/xgminer
  5. Finally, install either cgminer or bfgminer:

    brew install bfgminer

If you'd like to install the miner using the latest source from Github rather than the latest official package, use the --HEAD parameter:

    brew install bfgminer --HEAD


For more details on installing and using these crypto-coin miners under OS X, see this article.